Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Reid threatens withdrawal of funding for Iraq war

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday that Democrats won't approve more money for the Iraq war this year unless President Bush agrees to begin bringing troops home.

By the end of the week, the House and Senate planned to vote on a $50 billion measure for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The bill would require Bush to initiate troop withdrawals immediately with the goal of ending combat by December 2008.

Read the full story

11.12.07 ethics notes

  • Aristotle was Plato’s student
  • Myth tells role of reason: deep cave, men inside unable to speak, chained, face only back, can hear each other, can see shadows of outside shadow. Plato asked his brother what they would see as real- they answered the shadows, but no one escapes, very bright, person outside he wants to talk to, but talks to shadow- realizes that what is real is not shadow, tells others about reality but they don’t believe- AKA cave = ignorance and to get out is work
  • Plato says reality is through reason, not just senses (do you “see” what I mean?)
  • Cidos- to see with mind; to see reality with reason
  • Must be something outside of “the truth” that makes it real
  • Philosophy is an activity to get us out of the cave; search for reality