Monday, January 7, 2008

Literature, 1.08.08

The stories and poems (see below) entered today, January 7th, are divided into two parts. All the stories and poems but The Lottery and The Gospel of Saint John are to be done in the traditional manner: you read them and then write approximately one handwritten page on what you thought of the writing, what was the author trying to tell you, and maybe how you interpreted it. As you know, the reader sometimes thinks about a story differently than what an author originally wanted his/her audience to capture. The Lottery and The Gospel of Saint John take a special set of questions which will be given by me.

I hope to see as many of my day class (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) as I can, but knowing that it is the first day after a two-week vacation I may be dissapointed by the show. The Tuesday and Saturday groups will be there in a goodly number because you always are.

The day class people will be seeing a movie at the AMC Theater in Rosedale Mall at 12:10 on Thursday. Those who drive can meet us there; the rest will board the white van and my car for an uneventful drive (I hope) to Roseville. Meet at school no later than 11:30 if you need a ride to theater.

Siegfried Sassoon, The Rear Guard
Czeslaw Milosz, A Song on the End of the World
William Shakespeare, To be, or not to be (from Macbeth)
Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
The Gospel of Saint John (from the Bible), Chapter One, Verses 1-16
William Wordsworth, My Heart Leaps Up
Shirley Jackson, The Lottery